
Renown IAS institute for Civil Services welcomes you on board. It is heartening to note that you have decided to chose Civil Services as a career. We at Renown IAS are there to help you out at every stage of the process leading to final selection. Needless to say that the whole project requires hard work, dedication, sincerity, honesty, perseverance and a very specific way of approach towards the studies. While we are working on the regular website, every candidate is welcome to approach us for any query through our other contacts. We will be happy to interact with you. Welcome to Renown IAS once again. 

The Founder

The founder Mr. Naresh Chand Goyal is an ex civil services officer himself. He has served in various senior management positions in the Government of India for last over 36 years. Being a post graduate in law, his forte is the subjects of Law and Indian Polity. He is a teacher, a trainer and an avid traveler. Besides the academics, Mr. Goyal is a public speaker for students, corporates and business houses. He conducts skill development courses as well to incorporate necessary skills into the candidates. Being a Yoga teacher, he takes the help of meditation techniques for the students for enhanced concentration and better understanding of the subject.  

YouTube Channel

As of now, Renown IAS is operating through YouTube channel RENOWN IAS. There are videos on preparations for interviews. Look for a store of videos on many more subjects for Civil Services and other similar nature examinations.

Business Enquiry

For any business enquiry, feel free to contact Mr. Naresh C Goyal @ 9910030850. Mail id: ncgoyal@hotmail.com


All contents, videos, study material, domain names, website, goodwill, publicity and all other online and offline material related to the working of Renown IAS is completely and exclusively the property of Mr. Naresh Chand Goyal, the founder of Renown IAS at Delhi.